Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Favre Too Much ESPN

They have done it again. I guess they almost have to at this point, or at least they can't help themselves, but it is amazingly annoying, aggravating, or down right frustrating that these people contiue to get away with creating stories.  They may even turn out to be right this time, although they are wrong more often than right, but we are half way through day two of non-stop analysis, discussion, and reflection on Brett Favre's career, and impending retirement, without any announcement from Favre or the Minnesota Vikings.

On top of simply creating  the story, there are also no shortage of opinions on whether this "decision," and I use the term very loosely, was a good decision or bad, was good for Favre or bad, fair to the Vikings or not!!  Who at ESPN is truly qualified to speak to any of these questions at all.  There are a couple of folks, but not many, and the ones that are ex-NFLers do a great job with this "story," the only problem is that it is not even an actual story yet.  The least qualified of all of these folks, who shall remain nameless because I don't want to give him that much credit, now has his own bus.  There is no way that anyone other than Madden, Jaws, or Mike and Mike should have their own buses.

It would just be nice to see ESPN cover actual sports NEWS, as opposed to creating, and covering, sports gossip!!

Thank you ESPN for spurring today's sports thought!!