Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Are You Kidding Me

The Cavs fans are backing their owner, that I believe and am happy to see. Some of them have offered to pay his fine, I will come back to this, but the Cavs owner Dan Gilbert has asked that the money they would use to help pay the fine go to the Cavs Youth Fund instead, a classy move!!

OK, you better sit down, the NBA has fined Dan Gilbert $ 100,000 for his comments about Lebron's decision to leave, and at the same time the Commish has slapped Lebron on the wrist, barely, by saying that his decision to make his announcement on the ESPN show the Decision was in poor taste.

I'm sorry, I must have missed something, Lebron gets a slap on the wrist for what was at the least collusion, and at the most significantly worse than anything Pete Rose ever did to baseball. Lebron orchestrated the building of his own team from the ground up in Miami, which now has four significant all-stars on it and more to come. All Dan Gilbert did was tell the truth!!

Anyone that watched the Boston series with the Cavs, or even just the highlights, knows that Lebron gave up. He quite on his team, and there was no doubt about it. Also, you could tell by his body language that he know he was done as a Cav, so how do you now say that what he has done since then has been OK, and that Dan Gilbert was wrong??

Our society is upside down!!

Thank you ESPN for spurring today's sports thought!!

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