Monday, July 12, 2010

Criminally Absurd

Rev. Jackson: Cavs owner put LeBron in danger.

When you read a headline like this you realize that the world, or at least our piece of it, has gone spinning completely off its axis!!

There are two points of absurdity here, one, Cavs owner put Lebron in danger?? and by the way, are we really supposed to care about one of the richest, and most spoiled, athletes on the planet??

These two thoughts are obviously directly connected. Lebron James made his decision, plus had it televised in an hour long special, plus had the decision made many moons ago while playing with his fellow "Dream Team" pals, so how is anyone else responsible for the millions of people now wishing ill against Lebron. You live with the choices you make in this life, all of them, and even if mommy says do what will make you happy Lebron, I am sure she also reminded him that he, and he alone will have to live with the consequences!!

There is so much here that is crazy it is somewhat hard to think clearly, but no, the white man did not put the poor helpless black man's life in danger by speaking his mind, Reverend Jackson has taken this way too far, Lebron is a big boy now, spoiled, uneducated, selfish, but big. Our society has made it VERY ok to be selfish, to have no loyalty, to take the expression "look out for number one," way too far, and as usual the media, especially ESPN, will "print" anything as long as it is sensational enough to sell!!

Thank you ESPN for spurring today's sports thought!!

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