Monday, July 5, 2010

Who Cares

It is amazing to me how much attention NBA free agency is getting, and specifically the "Lebron watch." Who cares really??

Obviously people in Cleavland and Ohio in general care, and I can understand that because this is the closest they have been to good in a professional sport in a while, but when you look at it, what has Lebron really done for the Cavs except not win when it matters. I am a huge Celtics fan, but if I were a Cavs fan I would not even want Lebron back after he essentially mailed in the back half of that series.

Lebron is going to get paid some absolutely obscene amount of money for someone that has never delivered, and is definitely NOT the best player in the league, or number two, or even three. The Cavs got rid of their coach because it obviously couldn't be Lebron's fault right?

I think Dwayne Wade is a classy, talented basketball player that deserves to get paid well for what he does, and I hope he stays with the Heat becasue seeing him out of that uniform would be like seeing Micheal out of a Bulls uniform, or Kobe out of a Lakers uniform. The rest of this is just noise.

There are so many more players in every professionally sport that bring more to work every day, to their teams, to their cities, and to their sports, that it simply amazes me that so many seem to care so much. If Derek Jeter were looking at other options that would matter, but Lebron...please!!

Thank you ESPN for spurring today's sports thought!!

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